Date: 4/19/2014
Venue: The Whiskey Room Music Parlor 412 W.Davie Street Raleigh, NC 27601
Production: Evening Star Entertainment (North Carolina)
Band: L.A. Guns (Phil Lewis, Steve Riley,Scotty Griffin, Michael Grant)
L.A. Guns originated in Los Angeles, California back in the mid-80s. This is the first time that the band played Raleigh newest music venue The Whiskey Room that brandishes a similar name to the famous Los Angeles club Whiskey A Go Go. The Whiskey Room provides an intimate setting to see bands up close and personal. This show brought back memories of the hard rock metal music scene that I enjoyed during my college years. I remember so many of the bands that came out of the west coast Los Angeles music scene and received national attention. In recent years, it is cool to see that there re-vitalization of interest in these bands and this genre of music from the 1980s. A place like the Whiskey Room helps to further fuel this excitement in a relatively small east coast city of Raleigh, NC.
Here are some of my favorite shots from this spectacular evening.
The entire collection of images can be found in the L.A. Guns: Whiskey Room Raleigh, NC 4/19/2014 Gallery on my Raleigh Music and Band galley web site.
Posted on Monday, April 21st, 2014 at 1:34 am. Filed under: Latest Photography Blog Posts, Rock, Whiskey Room Tags: LA Guns, metal, Michael Grant, Phil Lewis, Raleigh, rock, Scotty Griffin, Steve Riley, Whiskey Room Music Parlor RSS 2.0 feed.
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Fabulous shots from an incredible night!!!